Good things need


Creating a daily sanctuary to restore balance to our lifestyles with one sole purpose: empowering ourselves to take control of our health.


At Good Place, we present a new approach to self-care, aiming for longevity and improved health. Eating nutritiously, staying active, and prioritizing well-being are no longer mere additions or superficial practices; they form essential pillars that complement a holistic lifestyle centered on prevention rather than cure.

"Several health issues prompted me to reconsider how I was taking care of myself.

I poured money into various products and treatments before realizing that traditional medicine focused mainly on curing rather than preventing diseases.

Becoming aware that I had the power to influence my health through my lifestyle drastically changed how I approached my daily routine.

That's when I stumbled upon the marvelous world of 3.0 medicine, and the creation of GOOD PLACE became an obvious journey to me."

Charlotte EBEL, Founder

Commitment We are deeply committed to supporting our clients on their journey to better health. We pledge to be there at every step, offering continuous support, helpful resources, and constant inspiration to help them achieve their wellness goals.

Empowerment We believe in the power of empowerment. Our ultimate goal is to empower our clients to become the authors of their own health. We encourage them to make informed decisions, adopt healthy lifestyle habits, and feel confident in their ability to positively influence their well-being.

Quality & Care We are committed to providing products and services that are safe, effective, and health-beneficial to take care of your body, mind & soul.